Guitar chord changes is one of the important thing for playing guitar perfectly. First I will tell about how usually we change chords.
1. We play the first chord
2. Lift all our four fingers of left hand together(or right hand fingers if you play the guitar either way)
3. Place the fingers on the strings of the second chord as the right hand fingers pluck the string.
Playing in this way will result in disconnected sound. Because all fingers are lifted together and then for a fraction of second there is no sound. This fraction produces the undesirable disconnected sound.
The correct way to change the chord is that while changing the chords you always start with the finger that is far away.
For Eg: If you are moving from F chord to G chord in open position then your pinky finger moves from 4th string to 1st string.
Here start by moving the pinky finger first keeping all other fingers in position. Due to reflex action of our fingers what will happen is eventually our other fingers may even slide to their respective strings and frets provided you know all the chords well. In this way there will be no discontinuity.
Some more tips:
1. Keep your fingers close to the fret board as possible because when your pinky and third finger starts flying in air it takes time for them to come back on the frets.
2. Stay relaxed and let your natural moment of hand help you get the chord because atllast guitar is designed according to your hand and finger movements.
3. Keep your right hand moving. The way your brain works has a lot to do with how your hands react. As a beginner, your brain is giving you permission to stop in between chords and rationalizes it as “we’ll get it eventually.” It’s normal and happens on a subconscious level. You can easily change that by setting up a dissonance in your brain. That means presenting your brain with a problem it needs to fix. Here’s the way it works: You brain loves when your hands are moving together. So if you force your right hand to keep strumming, no matter what happens in your left, your brain will want to solve that dissonance by making your left hand move faster to keep up with your right. Exactly what we’re looking for.
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